Creative TechLab: Art therapy for adults
Studies in psychology show that people often do not realize when they are sad and when they are slipping into depression or burnout and need professional help.
At the Creative TechLab, we want to show how music and art heal the soul and what methods there are for getting to know yourself through art, discovering your own potential and building on your strengths.
With the Creative TechLab webinar on the topic of WAYS OUT OF DEPRESSION, we explore the topic of depression and look at possible ways to get out of it and find the answers to the questions:
- What is depression and what causes it?
- How is depression experienced (individually)?
- What can we do to counter depression?
- What does depression want to tell us and what does it want to protect us from?
- What paths lead to the life we would like to have?
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The webinars are led by Miriam Ponten, a certified art therapist. She gives impulses and feedback on your questions and approaches the topic with the help of mindfulness exercises, art therapy methods and creative energy work.
More and more people are suffering from burnout, whether due to excessive or insufficient demands or critical life events. The other Creative TechLab webinar on the topic of STRESS MANAGEMENT IN BURNOUT will address the following questions:
- What is burnout and how is it experienced?
- Recognizing yourself and your needs
- Moving from a negative to a positive experience
- How can the quality of life be improved in the event of burnout?
- How can we change our energies more easily or get out of the energies we are suffering from?
coming soon...
Price: 25 Euro
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