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7 essential skills which you develop with creativity

Creativity is an activity that results in objects of spiritual value and unique content: music, drawing, creative writing, and more. It is a special mental process that translates meanings into the outside world in a free form. The main tool of creative work is a person's inner feelings.

People originally expressed their feelings and emotions precisely through creativity, and only late as an evolutionary development - with words. It is a natural desire to communicate with the outside world, to share inner feelings and experiences through creativity.

Possessors of a high level of creativity are able to make the product of any activity more interesting - for example, the creation of comfort in the house or the preparation of a family dinner. Making creative adjustments to the work process helps not only to diversify routine duties, but also to get real pleasure from their performance. 

Developed imagination, creativity, training of creative skills - all this qualitatively changes a person's everyday life, making it more diverse, emotionally bright, successful, and promising in any sphere of activity - including professional.

7 skills, which creativity helps to improve for higher quality life, its emotional background and perception of the world around

1. Creativity gets rid of burnout and depression.

Any qualified psychologist will confirm that creativity helps to cope with worries, fears and complexes. Such activities can replenish inner energy and relieve tension, get rid of negative thoughts and emotions. 

Creative activities distract from routine, bring moral satisfaction, regardless of whether one has professional skills or not. This is a great way to express oneself when words cannot explain one's emotional state for one reason or another.

2. Creativity develops emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage feelings, to understand intentions, motivations, one's own desires and those of others. Creativity always evokes thoughts of a certain content. The palette of sounds and colors, the plot, the way the composition is constructed and other details in the work evoke an emotional response in the performer and in the viewer. People learn in practice different methods of expressing the feelings they have. Such experiences, in turn, are beneficial to the development of emotional intelligence in general.

3. Creativity strengthens attention

In order to achieve a good result, it is important to take into account many details, to adjust the course of the work if necessary. The performer must remain extremely attentive, prudent and persistent in the search for means of expression. In creativity all properties of attention as cognitive process are strengthened:

- stability - the duration of keeping the object in focus;

- concentration - intensity of concentration at work;

- distribution - ability to take into account several factors simultaneously;

- switching - the ability to quickly orient oneself in a changed situation;

- volume - the number of units in focus.

Regular training of attention in the process of creativity will naturally improve the productivity of life in general.

4. Creativity stimulates a dialogue with oneself and others

Creativity is the translation of certain thoughts and meanings. To understand how to express his or her inner state of mind, a person must deal in detail with their own emotions, to perform a deep introspection - to make feelings so that the viewer can understand the message. For many categories of people (introverts, people with disabilities and others), this is one of the few ways to meet the need to communicate, to build imaginative communication with others.

5. Creativity trains the brain

Creativity is the ability to generate something new, to depart from standards and stereotypes, traditional concepts. Creative activity develops thinking, its properties such as:

- fluency - the ease of generating ideas;

- flexibility - the ease of building associations between distant concepts;

- originality - the ability to come up with something new, to find an effective solution to a complex problem.

Research in the field of neurosurgery has noted that as long as a person is involved in creative work, his or her neural connections are markedly strengthened and brain activity becomes more complex.

Creativity expands consciousness and helps to find new ways and answers to complex questions

Modern life is filled with unexpected twists and turns. Everyone is forced to solve all kinds of tasks from different spheres of activity day in and day out. A person naturally begins to feel "loaded".

Creativity is relaxing. The person concentrates on the process and the result itself, not on the questions and tasks that will still be waiting for him or her outside upon completion. While creating the person is in the relaxed state that truly ingenious solutions to practical, worldly, or professional issues are generated. 

6. Creativity helps to express what is difficult to convey with words

Words are not always necessary for communication and interaction with others. The reason for this may be not only the inability to articulate thoughts intelligently and accessible, but also the desire to visually show the inner world, to share emotions and feelings.

Creativity is of great importance in the life of any person. Contributing to the comprehensive personal development, it can qualitatively improve all spheres of activity, including professional. People who are able to resist the emotional burnout, to build competent communications with people around them, with developed sensual intellect - achieve a life balance and greater success than those who depreciate the usefulness of creativity. 

It is not necessary to be a specialist or a recognized artist. Any creative work develops important personal qualities, broadens perception and stimulates brain activity. No person, regardless of age or interest, is restricted in his or her choices of self-expression.

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Ekaterina Kardakova

Hello everyone! My name is Ekaterina Kardakova. I am an opera singer, vocal and presentation coach, Creative TechLab founder Learn more about me and my work.

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