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How to be a charismatic speaker: cases successful people

Self-presentation is the ability to present oneself effectively and advantageously in various situations: an individual style of communication, a unique image that not only likes oneself but also is attractive to others. Most people, consciously or unconsciously, seek to influence the process of forming an impression of themselves.

Public men know a lot about self-presentation. The skills developed over the years purposefully emphasize the individual qualities and values of TV and Instagram presenters.

So, who is the public person? The answer is simple - a man who knows how to change, navigate, react quickly, use effective communication but above all skillfully present himself. Using the example of famous politicians, showmen, presenters, you will see what qualities will help you to confidently present yourself, media communication, achieve goals, and improve your communication skills. 

1. Ability to listen

Oprah Winfrey is a famous US presenter and actor. In 1986, she created her show - The Oprah Winfrey Show, which brought her not only fame and fortune but also made her the most powerful woman in the United States. Oprah easily shared her own experience, listened to others, was sensitive to the interlocutors, and cried so that the whole of America cried with her. The TV presenter owns a print publication, her film studio, a radio network, and a cable TV channel. She is the only black female billionaire in history.

The ability to listen and express particular and active interest in another person helps to win him over. If you want to find new clients, demonstrate your interest not only verbally but also non-verbally. You will learn many new things for yourself and win over the other person to you with the help of soft skills training.

2. Body Mirroring

The next time you are attending a formal reception or party, notice that some of the people communicating with each other sit or stand in the same position and repeat each other's gestures. This “mirroring” is a means by which one person tells another that he agrees with his opinion and views.

The young chancellor of Austria knows how to listen carefully but also he owns body mirroring. Sebastian Kurz's lightning-fast career does not surprise anyone. He knew where he wanted to be from an early age and was already the chairman of The Austrian People's Party at the age of 21. At 27, Kurz became a minister of foreign affairs. There was no time to study but a career absorbed all resources. Therefore, at 31, Sebastian Kurz became the youngest chancellor in Europe.

Despite his young age, Kurz recognized that to make a career among far from young conservatives he needs to behave like party members. He masterfully mirrors the non-verbal communication of his colleagues with phenomenal accuracy.

If you look closely and observe him during public speaking, it is noticeable that there are few marks of “youth.” All his movements and those few gestures, he makes slowly. He tries to convey an “adult” message and makes it perfect but he is only 33 years old. These soft skills helped him achieve a lot. 

3. Positive

Prominent politician Winston Churchill is credited with saying that the most significant talent is positive oratory. The British politician, like some orators of antiquity, suffered from a speech impediment. He spent a lot of time focusing on vocal training. And the lisp did not stop him from becoming a heart-moving statesman. Churchill was not afraid to show emotions in his speech, he used short and simple words, which brought himself closer to the people. He understood the power of humor and skillfully used it in his speeches creating a good mood for those around him.

4. Combine incongruous

The percentage of successful women in the world is not great but stable. The young guard, like the fighters against ageism, is conquering the media space. Being a strong personality and broadcasting femininity is not always easy but possible. This can be seen in the example of Anna Wintour. 

The Vogue editor has always been the most influential person in the US fashion industry. However, the name of Anna Wintour has become a global brand, and not only in the field of fashion. This was because of her business presentation. Anna Wintour's powerful friends constitute a kind of coalition of goodwill, expanding her reach far beyond the editorial staff of Vogue, which she has led since 1988. Wintour's network of contacts extends to Hollywood and Washington, captures many other cities and countries. The Guardian newspaper called her “the unofficial mayor of New York.”

5. Fill the space

Emmanuel Macron was a diligent acting student with his wife, Brigitte. He masterfully owns the skills of non-verbal communication. Deftly varies in any situation: somewhere he is sweet and smiling and somewhere he firmly defends his position.

Despite his short stature, he can fill the space, both in small halls and at large venues. The ability to control energy and gesticulate appropriately characterizes him as a purposeful, strong-willed person who knows where to go.

According to a study held by Migrabyan, we perceive people by 93% through non-verbal communication and only 7% by words. Therefore, it is never too late to direct non-verbal signals in the right direction.

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Ekaterina Kardakova

Hello everyone! My name is Ekaterina Kardakova. I am an opera singer, vocal and presentation coach, Creative TechLab founder Learn more about me and my work.

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