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How do martial arts develop leadership skills

Any leader must always be concentrated, motivated, and responsible, but at the same time remain as relaxed and happy as possible. Finding inner harmony, a balance between body and mind is an important condition for productive work and achieving the goal set.

Qigong is an ancient Chinese technique that helps you better understand yourself, your own needs and desires, and learn to interact with the world around you in the most positive way possible. The practice includes physical and breathing exercises and meditative techniques. Chinese methods are based on the principles of stabilization of natural energy flow in the human body, which is accumulated and expended according to the conditions of life, peculiarities of everyday pressures, and emotions. Its quality and quantity directly depend on well-being and performance. 

The technique of work is a sequential transition from step to step. Each stage is characterized by its own goal. The first stage is the return of vitality and the launching of recovery mechanisms. The next stage is the training of diving into a state of deep relaxation. The third stage is for the development of intuition, and the last stage involves achieving complete oneness with the entire world around us.

Qigong for leadership development

Developed leadership skills are useful not only in the workplace but also in everyday life - in all its spheres. It is a tremendous contribution to personal development as well. Leaders are capable of:

  • to look at familiar things unconventionally;
  • predict the results of a particular behavioral strategy;
  • to prevent all kinds of risks.

Developed skills contribute to better social interaction, not to mention the legitimate demand in the labor market. Any person can develop appropriate qualities in himself or herself. The practice of Qigong just helps to unlock the desired potential.

Wisdom thinking or abstract thinking with pictures

In spiritual practice, it is important to use images. It is believed that it is through them that the higher powers interact with a person, and he, in turn, can communicate in this way with the entire surrounding world. The images are certain pictures arranged in accordance with a unique set of parameters - light, color, shape, and outline. The practice of Qigong implies that it is a special tool with which it is possible to learn and understand everything, including the relationship between specific physical symptoms and their causes. The methodology is based on detachment from logical thinking, concentrating specifically on perception - both at the level of the body and the soul. This approach implies that in any field of activity it is possible to get an answer to the question of interest, and, most importantly, to find the right solution to a specific problem.

Inner power and its management skills

In Chinese practice, there are three energy centers - places of storage of various resources.

1. The lower one is the basis of the human energy system. The center is located three fingers below the navel and is responsible for the physiological state, and well-being. It is the area of accumulation of lymph, blood, and other body fluids. The center should not be exposed to the so-called "ice," which comes from outside and inside. People produce it themselves through bad moods, unhealthy eating, and fears. "Ice" restrains the fluids, and limits their properties. If it is there, a person begins to have lower back and lower back pain, and problems with the urinary and reproductive systems appear.

2. The middle one is in the center of the chest and is responsible for the heart and lungs. The accumulation of energy in this area develops spiritual power.

3. The upper one is located between the eyebrows and characterizes wisdom. Activation of this area expands the boundaries of perception and increases intellectual abilities.

The Qigong technique helps replenish energy resources at all levels, stimulating overall well-being and personal improvement.

Creative Skills

Creative skills are essential to any leader. They contribute to:

  • improving critical thinking;
  • the development of communication skills;
  • increasing the productivity of teamwork.

In the age of rapid and comprehensive development of technology, information is increasingly important – its creation, distribution, processing, systematization, storage, and other related manipulations. In the long term, this trend will not only continue but will cover even more areas of life. In this regard, the human brain is forced to adapt to increased loads. People are forced not only to effectively navigate the flow of information but also to create fundamentally new methods of working with it, to find non-standard solutions.

Experts consider creativity (the ability to think creatively to achieve a goal) to be one of the few competencies that will be most in demand in the future. The more developed this ability is, the broader the human opportunities are. With the help of creativity, it is possible to remain successful not only within the framework of professional activity but also in life in general.

Difficulties with the concentration of energy inside the body naturally provoke difficulties in perception and thinking - a person finds him- or herself unable to process information qualitatively and react effectively to the changing conditions of life. Qigong exercises help to stabilize energy flows, providing sufficient nourishment to the brain (blood circulation, oxygen exchange).

The technique allows you to increase the quantity and quality of inner energy. The optimal concentration of power activates brain activity – thoughts become clearer, more promising ideas appear, and creativity and motivation increase.

The Qigong System as a Simple Science of Life

The practice helps one become more successful, active, and creative by developing important abilities and useful personal qualities. The basis for this is not a belief in magical healing, but the acquisition of personal experience through being in certain states.

Scientists have discovered that meditation is essentially rest for the brain. In the process of exercising, activity is reduced in the parts of the brain that normally expend the most energy - busy:

  • processing of sensory information;
  • orientation in time and space;
  • planning and decision-making.

The technique helps one abstract away from one's habitual state and truly relax. The brain at this time is focused on processing data related to one's personality rather than the material world.

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Ekaterina Kardakova

Hello everyone! My name is Ekaterina Kardakova. I am an opera singer, vocal and presentation coach, Creative TechLab founder Learn more about me and my work.

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