Creative TechLab music workshop for kids
During my teaching experience, I understood that modern kids learn differently. “What do you mean “differently”?”- you obviously ask. If you search on Google about kids and learning these days, you’ll find a lot of research about how different kids are. They learn 4 times quicker and need a completely different approach to education than the traditional school can give. Also, kids who do music are 70% better at school. That’s the fact!
I’ve been thinking about how to combine professional music education with developing creative skills. How to show kids and teens the worlds of music from another point of view so they get inspired to create their own music?
Then I developed Creative TechLab. It’s a project in which deep music education meets modern learning technologies. My goal is to give kids and teens a solid basis for making music so they can develop their talents after the workshop too.
Creative TechLab music workshops is for kids from 5 to 12 years old and will take place
on February 21 from 15.30 to 17.00 in the Evangelischen Familienzentrum (Stapelstrasse 8a, 22529 Hamburg)
During the workshop the participants learn the:
- notes
- rhythm
- music symbols
- write your own melodies
- arrange them
- create DJ sets
- learn professional apps and learning software for making music
In the year 2018, I won a grant from the land of Bavaria for developing digital education in Munich. I did more than 200 workshops with over 2.000 participants from 5 to 75 years old, and I see that my method shows fantastic results and inspires people to create!
Price: 45 euro
Every workshop is a manifesto to music and culture! Come and experience the Creative TechLab workshop, and unfold your music potential!
Book a spot via mail:
What do kids say about Creative TechLab music workshop:
“Learning with apps was super! I learned a lot and I’m waiting for the next time!”- Kim (11)
The results are amazing!