CREATIVE TECHLAB Dj Battle for Teenager
Often, when working with teenagers, I'm surprised at how brilliant they are! Yes, brilliant. Everything they create vividly shows their inner world and its perception.
What are the ways to help teenagers with the difficult issues of identification during puberty? Of course, by teaching them to express their emotions through MUSIC.
Music for most teens is a world where they can find themselves and like-minded people, learn to communicate with them, and properly express themselves in the world around them.
That is why teenagers love to take part in the Dj Battle!
What is Dj Battle?
It is a workshop and a performance in one. In the first part, teens learn how to create Dj sets and music compositions with apps, make remixes and arrangements, overlay lyrics, and master different music styles. In the second part, they play compositions to other participants. Battle wins the one who collects the most points.
coming soon...
What skills does Dj Battle develop?
At Creative TechLab we combine creativity and modern technology, focusing on
- creative thinking development
- the ability to understand and express emotions and thoughts through music
- learning professional applications
- digital skills development
- learning motivation
- improvement of attention and self-regulation.
Professional music teachers help Dj Battle participants reveal their talents and creative skills.
Price: free
You can also order Dj Battle for your teen's birthday!
Do you want to book a Dj Battle? Drop me an email at: