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How to attract the audience’s attention

It has been established that to attract the audience’s attention, a sort of connection needs to be built between speakers and listeners. The stronger the bond is, the better materials will be understood and taken in mind. This can easily be achieved using a set of special techniques and methods that will imply acts on the cognitive-behavioral system.

The first thing that one has to work on is self-improvement. Strong points are more likely to inflame mirror neurons of the brain, and so appeal to the public. Surveillance levels will also increase if the individual speaker is steadier and more stringent.

The overall posture and inclination are to be inherited by listeners from the orator. As the information received gets dissected in the brain, a variety of substances containing neurons is released. This procedure contributes to opinion formation and confidence formation.

Listener’s advertences are directly affected by those of the spokesman

This is true in all cases, as self-portraying of the author is implanted in those listening and analyzing the points mentioned. Useful tips to imply in one’s speech would be showing the levels and stakes of interest that the speaker is experiencing, truly showing engagement and awareness of the topic. A key to success is building a steady dialogue construction, which allows to direct the audience and make them feel more of the same level.

However, often mistakes get made, which greatly disrupts dismantling operations. Before going out in front of the audience, it is necessary to work on distractions and performance quality. 

Reasons for the process difficulty levels

Not many people realize how hard it is to be successful in public speaking. It requires high levels of experience, including both theoretical case study collections and practice takes. The most common reasons why persons frequently struggle with public speaking are as follows:

  1. Stage fright. This is sometimes associated with a childhood fear, however, can grow into bigger phobia disorders. In some cases, the intrusive thoughts get so loud, that it becomes impossible to get them under control. This can correlate with anxiety-related illnesses.
  2. Animadversion qualm. This factor can lead to the person isolating themselves from the outside world as the terror is so unbearable, that guilty feelings appear even before anything has been done. It can be contributed to by a few previous failures and criticism-involving situations.
  3. Past negative experiences are similar to the previous point, however, unlike the animadversion qualm that does not require an event to take place before the show, this fear does. One feels more inclined to commit to similar errors that happened in advance.
  4. Intrusive thoughts contributing to a chaotic atmosphere add difficulty to concentration. In this case, speakers will have to work extra to improve their thinking skills.
  5. Distractions. If the orator has previously received a kind of trauma, they may easily get distracted by unrelated factors. These differ from one person to the other.

The more of these problems the speaker faces, the harder it will be to learn how to perfect the audience’s attention qualities.

Deleting all external factors to improve focus capabilities

The only way to improve the skill – is to train constantly continuously. A range of systematic approaches can be applied.

Detecting all basic terrors

Most common but dangerous variations include those listed previously, plus fright of forgetting something, making mistakes while speaking and receiving feedback one is not comfortable hearing. To rid oneself of these, self-confidence status has to be better. Effectiveness shall be then brought up to the top, and so more attention attracted.

Setting strict rules for yourself: contribution to distraction reduction

After long periods of stress, it becomes easier to get distracted and forget the following points. When a spokesperson is preparing for another speech, they should bear in mind stress and their state of emotions, attempting to control and create a more positive atmosphere, reducing pressure. 

Establishing clear aims for each project

The speaker should keep in mind the end goals of performance, which ideas he or she wants to sell to the audience and for what.

A sense of certainty will help achieve greater results. Topics delivered must be well-explained and delivered, and full portions of pre-planned data should be shared. 

Affective mentality extension

Contributing to emotional regulation and spirit, types of mentalities such as this one help adjust the audience’s perceptions. Not only the text has to be thought through, but the human factors as well.


Speaker’s conception is the most significant agent in audience attention attraction. Focus processes and self-regulation will help to form a tighter bind, resulting in extra interest from listeners.

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Ekaterina Kardakova

Hello everyone! My name is Ekaterina Kardakova. I am an opera singer, vocal and presentation coach, Creative TechLab founder Learn more about me and my work.

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