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11 Signs of a vocation

I am very often asked about my vocation. However, after half an hour it is already clear that this is all talk behind which there is nothing. The point is that a vocation requires conditions. It's naive to talk about a vocation when you're deep and long on the downside.

When everything around you is burning and falling apart, and you are constantly plugging holes. When you live your life in the "I-shove-1000-things-in-24-hours" mode. When even the little free time you have left, you are not ready to spend on yourself. When you hope for a vocation as a freebie and an opportunity to do nothing. When you're bored. When you're trying to raise your self-esteem and prove to others that you are something.

If you look at this list, it's obvious that most of us will never get out of this situation. To be able to not just pull the strings of life, but to do what makes our souls sing, is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. And it can't just fall out of the sky.

Often people think that finding a vocation is finding something you like. And there's no way they can figure it out or choose it. If I like to knit and chew sunflower seeds, is that a vocation?

A vocation is, by definition, something that is NOT for yourself. It is always something you do for others. And this is often the biggest stumbling block because we almost always go to work for ourselves in one way or another - for a paycheck, a career, to escape fear, etc.

The theme of vocation in general becomes possible in a person's life only when he or she comes to the idea that it is necessary to give something to the world. This is why the mere fact that you like activity is no indication that it is your vocation.

You can knit, draw, and cook just for yourself - it's a hobby, a way to relax, to switch gears, and nothing more. You can be a brilliant artist or director (and heal your wounds and complexes that way). You can be a good writer or singer, or you can earn money to get recognition. There is no vocation here, either.

Vocation is, by definition, an area where I give substantially more than I receive. I become a resource for other people, and this is the highest level of vocation realization.

And it's never at the point of exhaustion - in the realm of vocation, we know exactly where and how to recharge, and quickly regain our strength. To give back again.

Also, vocation is always the antagonist of stability. As long as you have attachments to stability and fear of losing that stability, as long as you are afraid of taking risks, all you can claim is a job.

So here are 11 signs of a vocation:

  1. The vocation is an activity that brings you deep fulfillment. A vocation is not always a job. At least not in the classic sense of the word. A vocation can be raising children, planting trees, meditating, advocating, thinking, dancing, inspiring, etc.
  2. The vocation is an area of life in which you are always interested in learning and developing.
  3. The vocation is something you never feel sorry for TIME.
  4. The vocation is a topic that starts you, and when you tell others about it, your eyes light up.
  5. The vocation is something that energizes you, even if you get tired while doing it.
  6. The vocation is what gets you out of crises.
  7. The vocation is what you spend the freest money on.
  8. The vocation is what you are willing to do without money.
  9. The vocation is the area of life where you easily get into the flow and constantly get help from the universe that gives you all the resources you need.
  10. The vocation is an area of life where you are independent of other people's judgment.
  11. The vocation is what you are most often asked to do, what people thank you for.

How do you find your vocation?

A vocation is something you don't have to look for, it's always there, you just have to see it and appreciate it. We tend to devalue everything about ourselves. And when the question is asked: what are your talents, what is your uniqueness? The most common answer is, "What uniqueness? I'm just like everyone else." A calling is an inner strength, something that makes you move forward and brings you joy.

First of all, you have to get to know yourself well. It is necessary to study in detail all the features of your character to understand what exactly you are capable of giving to other people. It is necessary to go a certain way - to understand your place in the world and in the society in which you live. In no case can not take the position of the victim and blame all their faults on others. Practice shows that only a person who can take responsibility, and who takes an active position in life, can find his vocation.

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Yulia Kassich

psychotherapist, specifies on socionics. More than 20 years of experience, thousands hours of consultations, hundreds hours of trainings, webinars, online courses. Yulia is living her dream life by traveling the world for the last 12 years

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