CREATIVE TECHLAB family workshop
In my 14 years of experience as a professional musician and music educator, I have met many different people, children, and their parents. Fortunately, most of them find music and creativity important and want to develop themselves and the children in these areas.
However, when it comes to digitalization in learning, many parents can't exactly imagine how children can learn digitallя: Can apps be used for serious learning? Which digital media helps the child learn better? How does learning with apps work and which ones are best for it? Is it even possible?
It works wonderfully! Namely, digital technologies make learning even better: with animated apps children (and adults too) learn playfully and effectively, they are attentive and motivated, and the learning is mobile, creative, and interactive!
coming soon...
What is happeining while Creative TechLab Family music workshop?
At the Creative TechLab Family Music Workshop adults and their children will learn
- which simple and sustainable methods there are to learn digitally and playfully
- with which animated apps children learn to make music and develop their own creativity
- how to use the apps correctly at home and support your child
At the Creative TechLab Family music workshop adults and children increase media literacy, learn about professional apps and learning software in the field of music, and try out effective learning techniques.
The Creative TechLab method for families motivates not only children to make music, but also their parents. What's better than making music together, when you can sing together and play your favorite songs on the piano?
How do parents benefit from the Creative TechLab family workshop?
Music helps children to develop in many ways, to find out their strengths, to feel their own potential and to express their creativity. I would like to emphasize the following positive aspects.
Creativity and music lessons
1. improve attention. In the information overload we live in now, people can concentrate even less because they have an incredible number of disturbing factors around them. Playing an instrument or singing helps and develops attention enormously.
2. increase creative thinking. Looking at a situation from different aspects and finding the best solution - is not a talent, but a skill. In music lessons, children and adults are engaged with solutions, not problems.
3. develop emotional intelligence. Music and emotions are inseparable. Through music we learn to understand our own emotions, regulate them and communicate them to others. These skills help against negative thoughts, depression, or burnouts because through music we learn to understand and listen to ourselves better.
The Creative TechLab Family Workshop lasts 1,5 hours. Afterward, participants will receive the checklist of apps and video lessons for more music lessons at home.
Maximum 5 families. The price includes iPads, apps, and rolling pianos.
Registration to:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.