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What are the limiting beliefs that "scare” money away?

Belief 1. I am unworthy. I am ashamed to ask for money for my work. All I did was waste my time. If I work harder, but for less pay, I'll be appreciated.

This attitude ruins not only my relationship with money, but life in general. Low self-esteem. Lack of self-acceptance. Constant saving on desires and needs. Brick by brick build a fortress wall around you. Money for her, alas, can not penetrate.

If you consider yourself unworthy to receive large sums of money. If you are ashamed to evaluate your work. If you are of the opinion that you spent only time. I hasten to disappoint you, no one will appreciate you more. On the contrary, they will devalue you even more.

Belief 2. I am not a business person.  I don't know how to earn it, I can only spend it. I don't have any special talents. I will never make as much as I want. Money passes me by. 

These beliefs are based on fear and they are the attitude of a child. Avoidance of responsibility. Justifying in advance that it will not work. It's not even worth trying.

You know, it's a very comfortable position. I'm not going to do anything, because "I have paws."

Belief 3. "There were no rich people in our family." "I've never been rich, and it's not worth starting out." "It's not worth going against destiny."

These beliefs echo those of the number 2. The difference is that these thoughts are imposed on us from outside by significant adults from childhood onward.

Belief 4. "You can't earn a lot of money by honest work." "Money is evil." "The rich have no conscience or honor." "Money only spoils a man." "The state will cheat me anyway."

These beliefs are also a legacy of the historical past. They are still very common. Money causes shame, hatred. It makes people feel "dirty". Is it really so? Are all the poor little darlings and sweethearts, and the rich among thieves and bastards? 

Belief 5. "Money comes from hard work." "If I make a lot of money, I or my loved ones will suffer." "There is not enough money for everyone." "Money brings misery."

In this case, money is surrounded by a "halo of inaccessibility." It is impossible to get it. Unreal to attain. And if it suddenly succeeds, then surely I and my loved ones will be punished and suffer.

Belief 6. "It's too late to start anything." "I was born into a poor family, and I will die poor. "My horoscope says that I will not become rich.

This belief also resonates with number 2. Here the whole world turns out to be "evil" and "bad". Born into an unfortunate family. An unfortunate time came into the world - the horoscope is wrong. Not the right age. The one who blames others. Blames bad luck, stars, and circumstances. Is in the position of the offended child. What if I yell and scold, will someone give me a toy, too?

Belief 7. "If I have a lot of money, I will certainly have it taken away." "If I am rich, I will no longer be safe." "The more money I have, the more problems I will have."

Many people are not ready to own significant amounts of money. There is an interesting statistic. People who win the lottery, within the next few years, "blow" the money they win and go back to their old lifestyle. Only a few manage to preserve and increase capital. Does this give you any ideas?

Belief 8. "Spiritual people don't think about money." "Poor people are noble and moral." "I am a decent person, so I don't have much money." "By living in poverty I atone for my sins."

These beliefs resonate with number 4. What is the difference? Money becomes the measure of morality and spirituality. They are not just evil. Their absence is atonement for sin.

Belief 9. "It's not the money that makes me happy." "Money doesn't interest me." "Money is not important in life."

In this case, there is a depreciation of money signs. It's as if you openly say to money: "You are nothing, nothingness and ashes, get out of here. I must say, they have a good ear, and they think fast. 

Almost everybody has money limitations. In order to change something in life, you must first find out your beliefs, and then realize that they are false. The answers to the following questions will help you do this.

  • Is your belief helping you to be effective?
  • Does it make you happy?
  • Does it foster harmonious relationships?
  • How relevant is it to reality?

Think about formulating a new true belief. Start with, for example, "I am worthy of more money." "My time is a valuable resource. It's worth a lot of money."

Most important! They can be worked with. They can be changed. It's never too late.


Anna Matyagina

psycotherapist, certified coach ICI, MRI, AC; specialize in Jungian sand therapy, metaphorical maps, PhD in Engineering

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