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Cognitive skills and their importance

If you are one of those people who are naturally curious, used to understanding things independently, critically questioning them and trying them out, you might have heard about cognitive skills. 

To help your child not only do better in school and learn more easily, but also to enable comprehensive development, you should work not only on individual subjects, but especially on the development of basic cognitive skills. 

These include attention, perception, memory, orientation, imagination, creativity and much more.

This approach is relevant at every stage of life and lays a stable foundation on which it becomes easier to acquire knowledge and develop skills later on.

And it may surprise you, but you can foster these cognitive skills to improve your child's academic performance. Here are some general examples:

Games and puzzles: board games and puzzles encourage logical thinking and fine motoric skills.

Read aloud and tell stories: Read aloud regularly and ask questions about what is happening. This not only stimulates the imagination, but also develops language skills. At the same time, it also trains the memory.

Conducting experiments: Try simple science experiments at home. These can strengthen the understanding of cause-effect relationships.

Music: Allow the child to try out different musical instruments. Musical activities help develop hearing and expressive skills. Playing musical instruments also strengthens hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Art: Creative activities such as painting, drawing, crafting, or modeling encourage creativity, strengthen fine motoric skills, increase concentration, and spark a child's curiosity.

Finding a hobby: Hobbies allow children to immerse themselves in a particular activity and learn new skills.

Please remember that each child is unique. Pay attention to his interests and strengths in order to select appropriate activities that will best develop his cognitive skills.


Mila Bugia

Brain trainer for kids

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