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How far away is change?

Have you ever noticed that, more often than not, even the most useful information does not actually change anything in our lives? Ever wonder why? Why do we go to all kinds of training, listen to wise people, and read the right books, but everyday reality remains the same? 

There are two factors that slow us down on the road to real change.

The first factor is the lack of a system. 

With regard to personal development, our consciousness is more like a huge attic, where from year to year is piled up all - and necessary, and not very, and things to throw away. As soon as you bring something valuable here, it is lost from view in the blink of an eye, just buried under the rubble. The most varied knowledge, practices, methods often contradict one another: it is not clear what is more important, and how to find a place for a new tool for development. 

The process of education in its true sense is the process of forming an image of oneself.

First of all, it is the creation of such an inner space inside yourself that would help you to live, to be harmonious and happy. It may seem too simple and even ridiculous, but the process of education is to roll up our sleeves and build shelves in our attic, and then carefully and patiently deal with what we have managed to accumulate. To keep only what works for me personally, strengthens me and makes me happier, and to part with everything else without regret. Even if they are wonderful methods for others.

A settled attic is when we see the big picture of the world, our place in it, our goals for our path, our purpose and resources. Then it is easy to understand what we already have and what we still lack, what is connected to what and what will be needed. 

The process of education is endless, but its first stage (creation of the structure of our own consciousness) is one of the most important. And until it happens, any quantitative accumulation of knowledge turns into a senseless waste of time.

The second factor is development theory instead of practice.

On the path of change at first we all have a tendency and temptation to trudge through mountains of clever thoughts, correct references, and books. As if the mere fact of possessing them could change our lives for the better. The secret is that wisdom is always only a compressed formula, a recipe, the quintessence of knowledge, its dry residue.

For knowledge to reveal itself to us in all its fullness, it must be mastered. You can rewrite Pythagoras' theorem hundreds of times, savoring every letter. What's the point if you don't use it for its intended purpose? But as soon as you start solving problems, you will inevitably reach a dead end. Somewhere something doesn't add up, and you have to rack your brains until the evil theorem actually works out. 

And here's a great recipe for pie from a celebrity chef. It is all written and seems so simple. Now let's try making it ourselves. Well, is the result like a chef? 

Or look at your school baggage of knowledge, 10 years of day to day, 5 years of university. What's left? 

The real change is our daily attempts to apply knowledge and a careful analysis of what works. Life changes not by having the right thoughts in my head now, but by living according to those thoughts.

More information you find here


Yulia Kassich

psychotherapist, specifies on socionics. More than 20 years of experience, thousands hours of consultations, hundreds hours of trainings, webinars, online courses. Yulia is living her dream life by traveling the world for the last 12 years

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