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Character Weaknesses: Accept or Fix?

Most of the problems we encounter in life, in my opinion, have to do with trying to remake ourselves. As far back as C. G. Jung observed in his studies, people vary greatly in their mental qualities. Genetics, gender, education, upbringing, experience and mentality mattered - but even in similar conditions, natural talents became the decisive factor. 

In which areas do we open up and flourish, and in which do we shrink in an attempt to prove that we are not worse than others? What tasks in life are easy and joyful, even if we perform them daily for years? Where do we make almost no mistakes and somehow see ingenious solutions by ourselves, and where do we live by a pattern? What successes will bring a sense of fulfillment and truly living our lives? 

The answers to these questions lie in the realm of our personal strengths and weaknesses. It is common in today's culture to "tighten up," develop, and correct the latter. To understand the consequences of fashion for "enhancing" ourselves, let's look at the material. The strength or weakness of a certain topic in a person's psyche depends on the natural power of his personal mental channel, which processes information in this very sphere. 

Imagine the blood vessels in our body. Thin capillaries or a powerful aorta - is there a difference? No matter how hard the capillaries try, no matter how hard we try to cram what we want to pass through them, the result is predictable. It won't come through much, slowly, or the vessel will simply burst. This is what happens to us in naturally weak themes. Lots of effort, unimpressive results, constant insecurity, frustration, and anxiety. 

At this point they often begin to argue with me - that's why we are not animals, that we can choose. And we have the free will to start "pumping up" the topic that is hard for us. By doing this, we will be harmonious on all levels. And our "wheel of life balance" will roll beautifully. It really is a very nice theory. And we undoubtedly have a choice. The only question is always why and what it will cost. Can a sumo wrestler be made into a ballerina? Why not? At what cost? What result can we expect? Will it make anyone happy? And even a microdose of the same effort, applied in a way that is organic to the individual, yields an order of magnitude more. 

Ubiquitous chronic fatigue and mental burnout are not the results of a "hard life" or a “crazy rhythm”. The secret of talents and strong spheres is that even if we put a fair amount of effort into them, we get energy from them. That is not the case with weaknesses. In terms of our era, becoming yourself, recognizing that you are ALREADY okay, is the most profitable investment I know. However, saying it is much easier than doing it. 

For starters, it helps to accept the fact that our weaknesses can be in absolutely any area of life - and that's perfectly normal. 

It's normal to love learning but to get lost when your knowledge needs to be monetized. It's normal not to have one profession for life. It's normal not to be able to say "no" and develop willpower. It's normal to take a week to gather your strength to mop the floors. There is nothing strange that you can't stand conflicts and don't like noisy companies. There is nothing wrong with not having plans and goals for five years. Not everyone can be energetic, creative, or entrepreneurial. 

But all that means is that you have a ton of other talents that you most often just don't notice: "It's easy, there's nothing wrong with it, can't someone do that?" 

The pharmaceutical industry is releasing more and more antidepressant-demand breeds supply. The problem is that any medication can stifle feelings, remove a number of symptoms and give a little respite - but do nothing with the cause. And the reason for the mass appeal to drugs is that a long stay in the themes that your psyche "digests" with difficulty inevitably leads to prolonged depression.

Trying to become something we are not by nature can take the better part of a lifetime. It takes 2 hours to understand yourself, your uniqueness, your true talents, your vocation, and the great challenges of life. That's exactly how long it takes to identify your psychic type and tell you how wisely you are conceived and how valuable it is that you came into this world. Knowing our Socionic type, I think, gives us another opportunity to become truly tolerant of others. 

By learning to understand our own strengths, and more importantly, our "weaknesses," we can see that some of "our" tasks are wildly stressful for someone else.

And we can no longer consider the person "lazy," but help them. Take our true place in serving this world - giving back what we have plenty of and accepting support where we are challenged. To choose to be ourselves or to live in a state of constant inner warfare? Each one will decide for himself or herself.

More information you find here


Yulia Kassich

psychotherapist, specifies on socionics. More than 20 years of experience, thousands hours of consultations, hundreds hours of trainings, webinars, online courses. Yulia is living her dream life by traveling the world for the last 12 years

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