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Are sincere dreams really material? The whole truth about the human subconscious

For many people, dreams remain a relic of childhood, when at the stroke of a magic wand someone could fulfill a cherished wish. With age, faith in such a successful outcome of events simply disappears. That is understandable - in childhood, a new toy could raise your spirits for a whole month. At an older age, priorities and values change. Dreams become something unattainable. And many people consider it a waste of time to plan the best version of their own future. But there are many who approach their life consciously and enviously easy to achieve everything they want. So what is the matter - in the favorable coincidence of circumstances, fate plans for each person or still in the strength of the internal attitude?

How to understand what you really want

Modern society has formed some standards of desires of any person, some program of life, in which there must necessarily be a place for wealth, social prestige, a happy family and a successful career.

"How to understand what I really want?"

This is a question people usually ask themselves when they don't quite understand if they are satisfied with their lives or why they don't feel happy, feel "stuck" in a situation, and doubt the correctness of decisions they once made. In fact, this is the starting point for increasing awareness.

It happens that it seems that you know exactly what you want, but when you achieve it, you realize that it was someone else's desire, imposed by society or inspired by a bright story of someone else's success.

How to understand your own desires and create a strategy to achieve them

To find true desires, it is important, first of all, to adequately perceive yourself and the world around you, to note the emotions and feelings that arise in certain circumstances - to find an explanation for them, rather than trying to ignore or underestimate them. There are several proven ways to help you sort yourself out and realize your true dreams.

  1. Accepting your own strengths and weaknesses - what you do best, what you truly enjoy doing in your free time, what inspires you, what a perfect day looks like.
  2. Practice "Hour of Silence" - it is recommended to do it daily. The essence of the method is to learn to hear your own thoughts. It is enough to take a comfortable posture and close your eyes. At first, the thoughts will be chaotic, causing conflicting emotions, but in time they will definitely become clearer. The main thing is not to hurry and demand quick results from yourself.
  3. Self-Programming Diary. For 30 minutes you should write out everything you want at the moment. This is the so-called "wish pumping". Each wish then needs to be concretized from, for example, "I want to be rich" to "I want to have my own coffee shop in the city center, which would bring an income of at least 1,000,000 rubles per month". With each new "level" of wish list processing, more and more details should be added. The more specific the request - the better.
  4. The story of your own success. A detailed autobiography will help as if to look at yourself from the outside. It is better to describe all the main stages of life - important events, the experience gained in communicating with different people, the decisions made, which influenced what is at the moment. The task is quite difficult, requiring concentration and patience. But such a method helps to rethink the past, better understand yourself, your motives and true desires.
  5. Trying on desires. To understand whether something is really necessary, it must be tried. The situation with dreams is similar to banal shopping - a customer comes to the store, sees beautiful clothes on a mannequin or others. But this does not mean that he will like exactly how this or that thing "sits" on him. How to try on desire? Very simple. If there is a dream of your own home and life in the countryside, it is enough to rent real estate at least for a short period of time. If the real experience is unattainable - connect fantasy. But it is important not only to detail the image, but also not to go beyond the boundaries of realism - not to idealize, and try to adequately assess the prospects of a dream come true.

The main thing in life is experience

If you devote yourself to routine, which is what most people do, to dream is simply meaningless. The more diverse the experience you and your surroundings, the faster it will be possible to find their true selves, understand their desires, potential. You should constantly try something new, read and watch successful people, established in narrow professional areas, help your loved ones to achieve their goals.

Dreams can and should be managed. The life of a person who waits day after day for a chance, a gift of fate, a lucky coincidence is boring and predictable. After all, even favorite hobbies and hobbies, perhaps work, by definition require considerable effort, patience, willingness to wait, and sacrifice personal comfort. It is the same with true dreams. If they are truly worth it, why not try to realize them and bring them to life? Recognize your true self, because you are an individual person, not like anyone else, with your own desires, potential, interests. At the achieved level of awareness, even the most daring dream will definitely become a reality.

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Ekaterina Kardakova

Hallo an alle! Mein Name ist Ekaterina Kardakova. Ich bin Opernsängerin, Vokal- und Präsentationscoach, Creative TechLab Gründerin Erfahre mehr über mich und meine Arbeit.

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