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6 secrets of how to make wishes come true

A truly magical time is approaching. We think about how, where and what we will celebrate the coming year and see off the old one.

Believe it or not, but at least one look, what should be on the table? What colors should we wear? What beliefs, omens and divinations are there for this time?

On all sides of the call to New Year's Eve marathons. They promise to leave all the bad things in the old year and to "pump" ourselves so that all the New Year's dreams and wishes come true.

But is it possible to learn how to wish in everyday life so that dreams come true? Are there any rules, principles or secrets?

Secret 1: Wish for YOUR dreams.

Many times our dreams are imposed from the outside. It can be our parents' dreams about our future. The stereotypes of society. The expectations of loved ones and relatives.

They can be "nice-looking", we may even like them, but that has nothing to do with "wishing hard".

Before you make a wish, do you really want it? Do you really want it with all your heart?

Secret 2. Get it right.

There are many different theories about how we perceive what we say and how to properly formulate and express our requests.

One theory is that we don't understand the "NOT" particle. So try to avoid it in your wording.

There is another trick. Think and talk about your wishes as if they are already granted. Specifically. With deadlines.

Finally, it's good if the wording is positive. What does this mean?

Avoid "want to get rid of," "want to stop," "want to delete," "want to throw away," "want to leave." For example, instead of "want to get rid of the disease," think of the fact that you are already "healthy and full of energy."

Secret 3. Dream with pleasure.

If your wish is really yours, you will experience pleasure in thinking about it. Your body will remember that it felt good. It will long to return to that state.

Secret 4. The power of visualization.

Wish cards of all kinds are based on the power of the images we imagine.

Why is this important? Because you are giving your mind a ready-made, real, written story, even already with pictures.

The way our brain works is amazing. It will take your story as "the only true one" and try to live it.

After dealing with the first three secrets, do not be lazy, create the most detailed map for your true desire.

Try in the process of creation to feel the joy and satisfaction of a new story created by you for you.

Secret 5. Dream about things that concern only you.

Don't try to influence other people with your wishes. You are only responsible for your own life.

People around you have the right to choose, for example, to love you or not. To date you or not.

Secret 6. One small step, but every day.

You've decided on a desire. You have verified that it is yours. Formulated it correctly. Visualize it. You've already done the hard work.

Now in small steps. Paying attention to cues. Taking advantage of opportunities as they arise. Start moving toward your dreams. Because the universe is ready to give it to you. Are you ready to take it?


Anna Matyagina

psycotherapist, certified coach ICI, MRI, AC; specialize in Jungian sand therapy, metaphorical maps, PhD in Engineering

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