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10 facts about Zen in the realities of urban life

A selection of these facts was born after my short holiday in Karelia…To begin with, what is the state of Zen?

It is a state of inner peace and relaxation 

When you experience feelings of deep contentment and sincere childlike joy at the same time. It is a moment when the world and time around you become tangible. Surely you've seen how in fantasy and fantasy films the surrounding world freezes around the characters. At this time you can see and discern everything in the smallest detail. 

What does the state of Zen have to do with it? Because it is where answers to questions, insights, understanding of the simplest and most important things come.

And I can say that

1. The state of Zen is available to everyone.

2. It lives inside you and wants very much to become a part of your life. 

3. Zen is different for everyone.

4. It is impossible for a city dweller to always be in a state of Zen. But it's possible to "go out" into it during the day more than once. How? Allow yourself to pause during the day. Fill it with love for yourself. Music that you love. A nice cup of tea or coffee. Give yourself an internal smile. Imagine it's a good friend you haven't seen in a while. Enjoy each other's company! 

5. If you've been familiar with your personal state of Zen for a long time, it's okay if you "fall out" of it. You always know where the entrance back is.

6. If you don't know where that mysterious "door" to your personal amazing Zen state is, just remember the things you love. Make it ... let's say 30 ... For example, I have favorite song selections, from inspirational to relaxing. When I have a minute and really want to quickly "sink" into my desired state, I play my favorite music. 

7. Many things prevent us from reaching the state of Zen. Doubts, fears, vanity. Push them aside for a moment. Allow yourself to forget about them, if only for 5 minutes. Let a light and fresh Zen breeze come into your life. 

8. Zen is like the sea. Even if you have never seen it, you really, really need it. You just don't know it yet.

9. In the Zen state, you connect to your true self. You have answers to all questions. Not so precisely. You begin to understand ... to accept the thought that you already know the answers to all your questions. BY YOURSELF.

10. Zen states are the little big magic you can give yourself. What's stopping you?

Add your own facts.

What is your personal Zen state?


Anna Matyagina

psycotherapist, certified coach ICI, MRI, AC; specialize in Jungian sand therapy, metaphorical maps, PhD in Engineering

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